1982-2000 Skellern Lecturers
(1982) Baroness Jean McFarlane, Nursing Values and Nursing Action.

​(1984) Professor Annie Altschul, CBE, Psychiatric Nursing: Does Good Practice need Good Principles?

​(1986) Baroness Caroline Cox, The Sharp Compassion.

Pioneer of nursing who had a profound impact on training, research and practice. First professor of nursing in England. Read Guardian Obituary
Professor Annie Altschul was Chair of Nursing Studies at Edinburgh 1976–1983. She was a renowned writer and conference speaker on the subject of mental health. Recently the RCN have named a new research archive after her. Read more Biographical Detail
Director of the Nursing Education Research Unit at Chelsea College of the University of London 1977-1984. In 1982 granted the title of Baroness Cox. Served as a Deputy Speaker of the House of Lords from 1986 to 2006. Made a Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing in 1985. see Biographical Detail
(1988) Professor Dame Jennifer Wilson-Barnett, Nursing Practice & the University.

Jenifer Wilson-Barnett, professor of nursing and head of the Florence Nightingale school of nursing at King’s College London. Headed the list of nurses granted new year honours. She was made a dame.
(1990) Professor Tony Butterworth, CBE, Generating Research in Mental Health Nursing.

Pioneered the development of a post-registration course for CPNs. 1987 appointed as the Inaugural QNI Chair of Community Nursing at the University of Manchester. In 1994 Chair a review of mental health nursing in the UK. In 1997 he was elected to be the General Secretary of the Global group of WHO Collaborating Centers for nursing More Detail here.
(1993) Professor David Sines, The Arrogance of Power.

David obtained his PhD in social policy from the University of Southampton. He has held leadership roles in several universities, most recently as Executive Dean for the faculty of Health Sciences at LSBU. He is a fellow of the RCN. Awarded CBE in 2010 for contributions to health care
(1997) Dr Ben Thomas, Past Insights for Present Problems.

Ben is a professor of mental health and learning disabilities at London South Bank University, where he is the co-lead for the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Integrated Clinical Academic Post Doctoral Bridging Scheme. Read Ben's Biography here