2014, June 11th, Maudsley Hospital, Institute of Psychiatry, London, Wolfson Lecture Theatre
SKELLERN LECTURE, Professor Joy Duxbury - In Defense of the Indefensible: Physical Restraint in Mental Health Settings.
Introduced by Alan Simpson
“When you read through someone's CV in preparation for an event like this, you hope to find some interesting nuggets of information or perhaps a pattern which reveals something hidden about the person.
Unsurprisingly, what you find from reading Joy's CV is an impressive list of research grants, peer-reviewed publications, book chapters and reports. Joy is also on various editorial boards, review panels and advisory groups. She is Chair of the European Violence in Psychiatry Research Group and Vice-Chair of Mental Health Nurse. Academics UK. And of course, Joy is respected widely for making a major contribution in the UK, across Europe and beyond, in developing good practice guidance aimed at reducing the use of seclusion and restraint or of using it safely when necessary. Joy first qualified as a Registered General Nurse in Whiston hospital Liverpool in 1984 and then as a Registered Mental Nurse two years later in Surrey. Her qualities were recognised at an early stage when she won the BUPA/Nursing Standard Mental Health Nurse of the Year Award in 1990 and from them on her career as a nurse practitioner, educator and research has flourished., obtaining her phd in 2003 and being appointed Professor in 2011. But what the bare bones of qualifications, grants, publications and awards does not tell you is about the person. From talking to colleagues and friends, I hear that Joy has a great love for animals... To the extent that she has been known to stop the car on a freeway in Florida to make sure that a Turtle could be carried to safety. Although I understand it was Karen Wright who was forced to scramble across the frantic freeway while Joy exhibited her leadership skills as she shouted out words of encouragement from the safety of the car. Joy's nursing skills have also been brought into use for the Wellbeing of animals, including the use of CPR on a little Greco lizard, saving its life. Joy has walked in Edinburgh in her underwear. For charity she said. And is an ardent member of the People's Choir - one of the few things that Joy will not allow work to get in the way of. But above all, Joy is incredibly committed to the value of her work so pushes herself extremely hard whilst bringing out the best from those around her. Yet despite this passionate drive, Joy never neglects the relational, social side of team working and is described as a 'literal joy' to work with. Personally, whenever I have had contact with Joy, I have found her to be a warm, friendly, humorous, supportive woman who speaks lovingly of her partner, and their great life together in Cumbria. It's in my great honour to introduce to you, Joy Duxbury" (AS).
Lecture Synopsis: Mental health is a worldwide concern; no other health condition matches mental illness in the combined extent of prevalence, persistence and breadth of impact. Mental health nursing has predominantly been rooted in secondary care settings and it is only relatively recently that mental health nursing practice, education, and research has focused on common mental health problems. Depression and anxiety lead to significant social, personal and economic costs to both the individual and society. Depression is set to become the 2nd largest cause of disease burden by 2020. In the UK the total economic burden associated with depression and anxiety in terms of lost productivity is around £17 billion or 1.5% of the gross domestic product each year. More recently the notably poorer outcomes of people with long term conditions (diabetes, coronary heart disease ) with coexisting depression has led to the development of psychological interventions which attempt to overcome the mind/body dualism that is so apparent in the way services are delivered. In addition to this there has been a national drive to increase access to psychological therapies in the UK thorough IAPT. Mental health nurses have been at the forefront of developing brief psychological interventions using innovative delivery modes for depression and anxiety in primary care mental health including guided self help and telephone delivered CBT.
The lecture focused on telephone delivered CBT (TCBT), the development and leadership the field in the UK in delivering psychological interventions by telephone. The telephone has the ability to overcome many of the social, physical and economic barriers which prevent access to mental health services, and is increasingly being used as a means to support treatment delivery. Professor Lovell reported on the systematic reviews, qualitative work and a number of trials evaluating telephone delivered CBT with both mental health specific disorders and long term conditions with and without depression. The rationale for TCBT, current research, application and implementation into current practice was discussed.
Introduced by Malcolm Rae
Hugh McKenna trained at Ulster University and later gained a PhD in nursing from Ulster University. McKenna served on the 2001 U.K. Research Assessment Exercise panel for nursing, chaired the panel for Nursing and Midwifery in the 2008 U.K. Research Assessment Exercise and chaired the sub-panel for Dentistry, Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy sub-panel in the 2014 U.K. Research Excellence Framework. He chairs the sub-panel for Dentistry, Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy sub-panel in the 2021 U.K. Research Excellence Framework and as a member of the 2021 U.K. Research Excellence Framework Interdisciplinary Research Advisory Panel.
He was a founding member of The Lancet Commission on Nursing and is a Trustee of the Alzheimer's Society. McKenna has served as: director of research, Centre for Nursing Research (now the Institute for Nursing and Health Research); head of School of Health Sciences; head of School of Nursing; dean, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences; and pro-vice chancellor for research and innovation at Ulster University. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Technology Sydney and a member of the Quality Assurance Council of the Hong Kong University Grants Committee. In 2018 he chaired the Swedish Research Council's Medical Research Review. McKenna is Honorary Colonel of 253 GS Medical Regiment(v) and in 2014, he co-founded the UK Military Veterans and Emergency Services Committee and the RCN's Defence Nurses’ Network.
McKenna was appointed a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in the 2008 New Years Honours list. He is a fellow of the Royal College of Nursing (2003), the American Academy of Nursing (2009), and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery ad eundem (1999). In 2013 McKenna was awarded an Outstanding Achievement Award by the Royal College of Nursing,in 2016 an honorary doctorate from Edinburgh Napier University and in 2018 was named among the most influential nurses by inspire. In 2004 McKenna delivered the Winifred Raphael Memorial lecture at the Royal College of Nursing Congress.

Evening Schedule
6.00pm: Evening Chair: Dr Joy Bray
6.05pm: Welcome Professor Neil Brimblecombe
6.10pm: Introduction to Skellern Lecture: Professor Alan Simpson
7.15pm: Plaque presentation: Andrew Dean
7.20pm: Refreshments & buffet
8.00pm: Introduction to JPMHN Lifetime Achievement Award: Malcolm Rae
8.50pm: Plaque presentation: Professor Lawrie Ellliot
9.00pm: Closing: Dr Ben Thomas

At the end of the evening guests were treated to evening of smooth Jazz by the fabulous Edana Minghella and her trio.
Photographs courtesy of Russell Ashmore. Pictured above (from left to right top to bottom): Hugh Mckenna, potrait of Eileen Skellern, Joy Duxbury & Len Bowers. Lawrie Elliott presenting Hugh Mckenna with his plaque. Andrew Dean and Gary Winship. Malcolm Rae & Russell Ashmore.
Skellern: Joy Duxbury, Cheryl Kipping, John Playle, Richard Whittington,
JPMHN Lifetime Award: Phil Burnard, Alastair Campbell, Kevin Gournay, Beatrice Stvevens